my labels

Friday, September 23, 2011

skip class today for doing homework

yes, I'm slept last night accidentally. I'm tired,
I don't remember when how I sleep.
I miss a time for doing homework in Natural Interpretation Subject.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

hey please vote me!!

Although still stuck in my homework (KBL), I've try some competition online, photography competition.
Theme this competition is Sehari di Dalam Hutan (a day in forest).
I captured it about in April this year in my campus, IPB.
I love pines. Their so beautiful.
Wether I captured it randomly, and upload to competition randomly too hehe, I wish I won. :)
click this for vote

How about with My Homework??

oh great, today is Sunday, tomorrow is Monday, I'm still in Bekasi (home) and I forgot about my homework, difficult homework!
last post I mentioned Konstruksi Bangunan Lanskap or KBL for short.
I have to made a roof structure details!
But I really don't understand to make it.

this is a literature

What I have to Learn on This Semester

I try to more intens for study seriously, too much wasted my time before
and I want change my self be a better person to reach my dream as Landscaper!!

oke I've take 6 subjects and only 18 sks (sks: I don't know in English -.-)
there are
Analisis Tapak (Tread Analysis)
this subject presentation about how we analyse some tread before we plan it or design it. We have to know all condition about the tread and surroundings. As a Landscaper is necessary to keep under natural condition for take care of environment.
Pelestarian Lanskap Sejarah dan Budaya (Landscape History and Culture Preservation)
First time I came to this class, I have a little bit confused and bored. I don't know why I should learn this subject. After my cans explain definition Landscape History and Culture Preservation, I have perspective about it. Every where might be have something special comes from the past that maybe cause from history or culture. So, if I want make plan or design some side, I have to know about side's history and culture and I can make side that harmony with surrondings. It would be better I made the side looks uniqe as it character.
Tanaman Dalam Lanskap (Plants in the Landscape)
Plants is a soft material in Landscape. Plants are beautiful. Every side looks good and nature when it have some plants. Being a Landscaper have to know every plants and it character, so they could be put in a right place and right way.
Manajemen Kawasan Konservasi (Conservation Area Management)
One subject from my minor. It presentation about how we can preserve its natural condition without sacrifice present generation. I thought conservation area is someplace that people can't enter it and nobody can have activities on it. I'm wrong. Beside to guard conservation area, we able to utilize existing resources on it and we can persuasive people to concern environtment condition. Great!
Interpretasi Alam (Natural Interpretation)
is lil a bit boring. Education how we can interpretation that makes people understand clearly and have the same perspective as interpreter perspect. But I try to be active in soft skill in every this class. hihihi :)
Konstruksi Bangunan Lanskap (Landscape Construction)
Education about basic of construction. So far, I've learn to make a simple construction. My opinion, this subject is hard to learn :s

that's all
6 subject
my target, IP over 3.20
aamiin o:)

hey hello buddies :D

let me introduce my self,my full name is Dyah Ayu Mustikasari, tika (thika) for short.
I'm from Indonesia (not proud of it) and I'm 20th when I start to write this.

Now, I'm study in IPB (Bogor Institute Agriculture)
Landscape Architecture as my major and Nature Management and Environmental Services
as my minor
I'm having 5th semester

I want record my study to this
and I wish it useful for me or might be everyone else

enjoy my blog :D